Thursday, March 06, 2008

A Teaser!

Here is just one picture from the wonderful and amazing bridal shower we had for Laura last Saturday. Emily and the other girls were put to work getting some of the food ready. Emily, with her own two little hands, created these appetizing olive and cheese hors'de ouevres. Now, I happened to notice that a few got eaten before the shower. I can't really say who ate them. All I can say is that once the little treats began disappearing, Emily got tired of making them. That is why I took this picture when the tray was full. Oh, did I mention, Emily LOVES olive and cheese? She did such a great job!
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bunnyjo georg said...

That kid is absolutely adorable. I love her little self! And it's ok with me that she ate some of my olive treats, there were still some left when it was time to eat and I got TWO,so that is all I care about. Little did I know her sweet little hands made them for me! Awwwww! She's my girl.

shortensweet said...

I heart this picture. Her hair looked cute, if I do say so myself.

She was quite amazing that day. She was my little helper - that girl..she kills me!