Saturday, January 20, 2007

Wintry Land and Seascape

Driving around the ovals. Hot coffee in the console. Good tunes on the stereo. Big waves hitting the channel walls and splashing up onto the pier. Seagulls huddled on the inland lake watching the cars use the turnaround, hoping one will stop and empty a bag of popcorn into the parking lot. Ruffled waves on the smaller lake, big waves on the big lake. And wind. Lots of wind. Sand stings the eye, and hair blows in front of the camera lens. The wind cuts like a knife. There is beauty in the sand.


VeeFlower said...

If you click on these to enlarge them, you will see even prettier patterns that don't show up in the un-enlarged version.

shortensweet said...

These are really cool photos momma