Saturday, December 02, 2006

Participating in the Arts

When I was a young mother with no dependable means of support (and by support I mean that in every sense of the word) I was prone to think of life as unmitigated hardship. In spite of friends and family that helped, I wondered if there wasn't a constant in the universe that would bring a person a sense that life, no matter what, has a richness and value beyond our struggles.

Philosophy in a tiny blog-space raises more questions that it answers, so let me cut to the chase. I have always found these things to be of great value in life: God, Nature, and the Arts. Who is to say they are not all parts of one big redeeming whole? No need to remind me that love, and especially family, are all-consuming and vital aspects of a rich life. What I am talking about is what can sustain us when those things also bring heartbreak? This question came back to me again when I had to say goodbye to my own beloved Mom, and is on my mind again.

When Grace and Emily came over one day after school, Grace praticing her viola reminded me once again of the richness and wonder that art can bring to our lives. Many of the children and grandchildren in my family have participated in the arts, and so have my brothers and sisters. As my growing collection attests, they all enjoy art projects and are very good at creating. Members of our family are great vocalists, with some of them in choir or other performing arts. And the writers! Every generation in our family has very good writers, and there will come a day when the publishers will sit up and take notice of at least one or two, if not more! As I write this I have several grandchildren that are doing the following: drama club, literary class, orchestra, band, dance class, choir, etc. And I am so happy and proud of all of our family, all of whom are gifted in one way or another. Even if it's only reading a good novel once in a while, or watching an excellent movie, all of us participate in the arts and we are the richer for it.

I am not going to attempt to be eloquent, I think everyone who reads this has their own store of awareness on this subject. I just want to say I am proud of our family and I think you all are really special in your own ways. And that when I remember the life I had as part of a family with a mother and father, I remember how they encouraged our enjoyment of reading and music and nature, and yes, God, too. And I thank them for it.

1 comment:

shortensweet said...

What a sweet kid :)

I'm glad we got the gift and love of the arts.

It almost makes up for us being fat (I don't mean the kids)