Thank you for your prayers, folks. I have good news and bad news. Sara Sarazen is doing better and is home. It does look like she will enjoy a full recovery and we couldn't be happier about that.
However, sadly, Linda passed away today, her heart failed. Her family, especially Jamie and her dad, could use your good vibes right now. I knew Linda in high school, she was really, really cool and all my friends liked her and looked up to her. The guys were crazy about her, because she was fun to be around, a real great personality. She was in a motorcycle accident when she was still a teen, the guy died, and she was left with some serious injuries. Later in life she had other health problems that were serious. But she loved animals and was always so kind to them, taking in all orphans. Even a duck of ours which we raised from a baby but then couldn't take care of, and a raccoon. She had a very loving heart and it it sad that poor health robbed her of some of the good life she should have had. We are sorry she is gone.
Paige came over today with a monitor to check for heart problems, she just acted like a normal 8 year-old that gets to take a half day off school and spend it with her grandma. I loved spending that time with her and will continue to pray for her health, although right now it she does appear to be doing just fine. The monitor is only a precaution.
I am getting behind on posting my pictures and videos so keep checking, maybe this weekend I can get a few on. Also, I am reading Fiersom's Brood, I would like to read it from cover to cover in one day, but as it is, I think it might take me 3 days.