Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First Day of the 2008 School Year in Grand Haven

Brandie looked pleased, ate an apple, and played a game on my phone. She said one of her teachers is like a Nazi or drill sergeant. Grace and Emily are on the same "team" so they will share some classes and teachers. Emily said the boys were terrible this year, she only liked the girls in her class, and some boy (or boys) said to her, "Nice clown outfit!" even though Emily looked great in her new school clothes. Hopefully, she will snub them at some future dance when they see how gorgeous and fabulous she really is. Grace came running in, "Grandma! Grandma! Brandie and I both like the same boy!" Which was certainly amazing since it was only the first day and there are so many boys....so much time....so I am sure this will blow over.
Did I mention it was one of the hottest days yet!?
I wonder how the other grandkids did today. Look for an update as I plan on calling them. It was Hailie's first day of high school!!!!!


Ray Veen said...

I suddenly feel like a very jaded parent. We didn't take any 'first day' pictures. The twins have new shorter hairstyles and everything. Oh, and I forgot to call my daughter and ask her how her first day of high-school went.

Bad dad.

(good grandma)

shortensweet said...

Maybe my rotten dad will give you his screen name.

VeeFlower said...

Hailie is already going to away games....sniff sniff...and she said she loves high school! Chantze has only 2 teachers he likes and he didn't get to play soccer because not enough kids signed up. Brooke said school is wonderful this year ("It's not that hard," she told me), and Paige has a teacher that calls everyone by the wrong name, plus Alister still likes her this year and although she oonsiders him only a friend, he considers her a girlfriend. So that's it in a nutshell. No more overnight kids visiting like in the summer, but I am happy they are all ready for school.

bunnyjo georg said...

The liking the same boy fiasco seems to have blown over with the news (via the boy's friend) that he supposedly likes Grace. Besides, Grace and Brandie are not likely to let a man come between them. :)

In the first three days of school, first Brandie and Grace missed the bus home on Wednesday, so Chris had to leave work to take them home. Then Wed morning, Emily missed the bus to school. So Chris had to leave work to take her to school. Um, it was not appreciated at all! No more bus-missing incidents since then, so a-ok for now!

Glad to hear things are going so swimmingly for Brooke and Paige. Too bad Chantze doesn't have many teachers he likes; Brandie and Grace got a real drill sergeant this year which they will have for 2 classes each day, so they can feel his pain. As for Hailie, she will do great in HS. I saw her at the football game on Friday, and she looked mighty dang happy. Unfortunately, I think Grace and I both embarassed her at different times. Perhaps she wasn't as happy to see us as we were to see her! Poor thing....what can be worse than being embarassed by family members in front of your cool school friends!?! Ugh!

VeeFlower said...

Thanks for the extra info! We are going to Hailie's game this Thursday, the girls are excited and so am I because I miss seeing Hailie now that she is a busy high-schooler.