Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Something To Talk About

Everyone has been telling me to start a blog. Okay, so here it is. I have some pictures I am ANXIOUS to publish and share! However, I am new to this so be may take me awhile to get the hang of it. S&S said she would help but she is working a lot of hours (see and she is now sleeping so I am on my own.
The picture I am first posting is my granddaughter Grace. The puzzle she is holding is called Delta, and is one of a series of puzzles that was part of a competition in which there was a million dollar prize. Well, I got my puzzle as a Christmas exchange gift from one of my mean cousins way too late to compete. However, we have had a blast trying to solve it. I am proud to say that after some eight or so years of many family members and friends trying, Grace finally solved it one day after school. Grace is the kind of kid who will keep trying if she can't do something. So I am giving her props today. Congratulations, Grace.'d ya do it?!


shortensweet said... know Mom, you should have been blogger Mom..ha ha
Great Pic of Grace, she sure was a happy girl that day.
I will help you..just be patient. I've got about 36 hours off so I can help you then.
Welcome to the blogging world. :)

shortensweet said...

The first thing I'll teach you is how to fix your comments :)

Unknown said...

HI THERE! Nice to see your writing somewhere other than a comments box.

Need any help making a quirky profile picture? Something with an ugly tie perhaps?

VeeFlower said...

Hey Grandlar...write something on your blog! Van will show you how if he is feeling up to it. SS...WHEN are you going to help me...WHEN did you say? Chill...yes, I could use help, as noted in the comment above, thanks!