Sunday, April 08, 2007

Blades of Glory

Fritz and I went to see the new Will Ferrell/Jon Heder skating movie, and I must say, I was entertained. The critics (of course) had some criticisms, but not all of them were valid. The only one I think is worth mentioning is the one that said Jon Heder was Napoleon Dynamite on skates. Duh. With a mug like his, he is always going to be typecast, his role potential is somewhat limited. He played another likeable doofus and as such was well-fitted to the character he played in "Blades." Sorry, not a valid criticism.

It isn't an art award contender. It isn't a cutting edge movie, no pun intended. It is somewhat formulaic and therefore predictable. However, it has Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Amy Poehler, and someone who knows a lot about playing a coach, the one and only (much aged) Craig T. Nelson. So you want to laugh or be impressed? I wanted to laugh and I did get that, even if there is much not to be admired, it is what it is. I loved the "skating," and seeing the likes of Brian Boitano, Scott Hamilton, Dorothy Hamill, Nancy Kerrigan, Sasha Cohen, and so forth really gave the movie another cheerful lift, no pun intended. I could have done without the sex addict sidebar but at least it did tie in neatly when the closest competitors hatched a scheme to break up the star team. It was an acceptable marriage of gratuity and plot.

If you want to be amused, go see it. If you are an art snob who must find fault, save yourself the pain and watch A & E instead. For me, there are enough drug, running car-exploding, shoot 'em up, the-world-as-we-know-it-violently-ending despair-mongering movies to last me a lifetime. "Blades" for all its shortcomings is funny and I'm glad I finally got to see it.

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