Friday, April 20, 2007

A Delayed Easter Egg Hunt

Oh, we were quite clever to plan our Easter celebration the week afterwards. We didn't know how much snow there would be Easter Sunday, but the real reason we delayed our plans was because we wanted to make sure everyone could make it. And it was a beautiful sunny day, anyway.

This year we did something different. Finding eggs and gorging on candy just didn't seem challenging enough for the kids, who are now "tweens." So, after Brooke and Paige got to find their eggs first, out in the woods, we refilled them with not just candy but little slips of paper with CHORES printed on them. Yes, jobs that the older kids had to do! And some of them were back-breakers. But that isn't all. Many of the eggs contained facts they were supposed to memorize for a pop quiz Ray sprang on them before dinner!

Brooke and Paige hid the eggs for the older kids, with a little help from us. Then we turned them loose and the leaves and branches rustled and crackled with the 5 older kids racing through the woods! Hailie got the most eggs and so got the most chores. The kids were not altogether delighted....especially when Ray handed out a test on those aforementioned facts!

Hailie opened the egg with the little Easter Bunny inside, and that was a magic charm that got her out of all of her big chores. But there were separate chores on pink pieces of paper she didn't get out of. The rest of the kids got to competer in challenges for a chance to get out of the big chores. And thankfully, most of them did win their freedom! It sure was fun. Brandie won the test, and got a fluffy little bunny as a prize. Gosh, we sure got them going this time.
Ray could have told this better, but you get the gist, and here are some of the pictures. Oh, and the ham dinner was excellent!


VeeFlower said...

Don't forget to click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Mom, and I couldn't have told the story better except for mentioning that that one of the anwers on every multiple choice question was 'poop'. It was the correct answer five out of fourteen times.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I remember:
Cindy looks like:
a. Paris Hilton
b. Pamela Andersen
c. Wendy Pham
d. poop

And one of the kids answered poop, some of them answered a or b, and I think one kid actually got it right! Thanks for reminding me, it was a funny quiz and the kids had a good time with it.

Juan Carlos Rojas said...

oh !
you have hundreds blogs !!!
