Saturday, September 02, 2006

Good Timing!

Last night after Fritz got home from doing 6 hours overtime, we decided to take a ride around the lake a little after two in the morning. Good timing! We not only saw the McKee Sons (big ship) come into port, but several deer near the golf course. There is something about a big ship at night. The lights are just so romantic. This one was all lit up, but came through so quietly you could hardly hear any engine noise, and it barely made a ripple in the channel. I told Fritz it made me think of a ghost ship. As for the deer, two of them were youngsters who were very curious about our headlights.
The ship in the picture is the Integrity. This one we saw come into port today during the Shoreline Celebration. Behind it was a flotilla of small sailboats. There were many dozens more on the lake enjoying a fine day, one of the last official days of summer. Again, good timing! Posted by Picasa

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