Monday, August 28, 2006

When the Cat's Away....

Well, Dad is otherwise engaged, so what do the kids do? They break out the champagne, the good stemware, the china, and the linen napkins, and make a toast to their freedom. Ha ha. Really, Shortensweet made us a lovely dinner tonight which we all enjoyed. It was so good I'm not even going to tell you what we had because you would be jealous. (Meatloaf, salad, broccoli, buttered dinner rolls, au gratin potatoes, black and green olives, and cheesecake with cherries OR strawberries, topped with fluffy whipped cream, hot fresh coffee with French vanilla creamer, etc.) Val and I caught up on some band gossip and everyone took a turn breaking in a new bathroom, getting it ready for the trauma to come when you know who has her REAL housewarming party! It was cool-ish and rainy outside, but inside, it was warm and cozy. I wanted to include a picture of the place setting but am not that good at Picasa yet. The picture pile covered up most of the picture and I couldn't get it to move around. Anyway, hopefully there will be more little dinner parties to come as the summer days fade into fall. Posted by Picasa

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